Glossary of Brain Injury Terms

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Abuila: This is the inability to make decisions, to provide long or detailed responses to questions, slow reactions, and lack of willpower.

Anoxia: This is the lack of oxygen to an organ, and in the case of brain injuries it can cause brain death. This condition that causes the lack of oxygen to an organ has adverse effects on the organ.

Aphasia: The inability to understand the language or to speak.

Ataxia: This condition is related to damage to the brain and causes difficulties with muscle coordination.


Brain Plasticity: The brain’s ability to have good parts of the brain to take over functions normally done by the areas of the brain that are damaged.


Concussion: This is a blow to the head that can be mild or severe in nature and cause a temporary or permanent change in functions.

Contrecoup: This is a bruise to the brain tissue that is caused by the shaking of the brain inside of the skull and does not need to be near the site of the injury.


Diffuse Axonal Injury: This is an injury to brain nerve tissue in multiple areas of the brain that can also be known as shearing and is the primary cause of brain injuries. So this disrupts the brain function and communication.


Edma: This is a fluid buildup that causes swelling.

Emotional Liability: This is mood swings that can occur rapidly and without a reason that could cause it.


Hematoma: The buildup of blood in the tissues that occurs after an injury.

Hypoxia: This is an insufficient amount of oxygen to the organs.


Intracranial Pressure: Pressure that occurs in the brain from the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain.


Locked-in Syndrome: A paralyzed state that the brain injury victim cannot communicate or move, but is awake and completely aware of their surroundings or activity.


Persistent Vegetative State: This is an ongoing condition, but not a comatose state, in which the patient cannot move or speak audibly.


Seizure: This is uncontrolled movements of the body. So they are due to the discharge of nerve energy that causes convulsions. Also, it can also cause loss of consciousness. Furthermore, brain injury victims will see behavioral changes.

So if you or a loved one has been the victim of a traumatic brain injury, these are some of the words that will become familiar. And this can be a challenging and stressful time for the victim and their family. But a brain injury attorney helps hold the negligent party liable. Also, this is usually the person that caused the brain injury. But it could also be someone who contributed to making it happen.

How Brain Injury Lawyers Can Help Victims.

Our brain injury attorneys also deal in skull fractures. So they have the experience needed to assist clients and their families. We do this by informing the client every step of the way. We will aggressively pursue the case in court. To reach our brain injury attorney at Ehline Law, call (888) 400-9721. Most of all, we are waiting for your important telephone call.