Brain Injury Attorneys In Los Angeles

Minor To You Can Be Major To Your Brain

Los Angeles Personal Injury AttorneysMinor to you can be major to your brain; understanding minor head trauma and permanent brain injuries remain vital. Car accidents and falls are the most common causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI).

You can damage your skull if you receive a severe jolt to the head. The impact of a traumatic brain injury can cause a skull fracture and damage your brain. This is a bit different than a spinal cord injury, where normal brain function is typically not affected.

It’s essential to seek medical help if you suffer a mild, moderate, or severe TBI. Taking a head injury lightly is a mistake no one should make. It would help if you went to an emergency room the moment you endured one. It’s important to have a healthcare professional assess your damage as they can provide crucial medical advice.

A computed tomography (CT) scan and the Glasgow Coma scale are typical options doctors may use to diagnose you. If you or your loved one suffered a TBI due to another party’s negligence, you should seek compensation for the harm incurred. You can get in touch with our reputable Los Angeles brain injury attorney, Michael Ehline, to receive help and trustworthy information related to your case.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

You should get the legal assistance and the settlement you deserve for your brain damage. Contact Ehline Law Firm today by dialing (213) 596-9642 and receive a free case review.

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

You suffer a traumatic brain injury when you receive a sudden blow to the head or any other type of physical assault. It’s a common cause of death and disability in older adults.

There are two types of injury you can suffer from mild head injury to severe traumatic brain injuries:

  • Primary brain injury
  • Secondary brain injury.

The brain injury that you suffer from the initial impact is the primary injury. This wound can damage particular areas of the brain or the entirety of it. After an accident, you may look fine, but your health can decline quickly.

This is because a brain often experiences delayed trauma during a TBI. The delayed damage causes swelling in the brain and pushes it against your skull. This pressure reduces oxygen flow. Brain functions suffer.

This reaction is the secondary injury, and it can be more dangerous than the primary as it can further the wound to other parts of the brain.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list the following as the leading causes of TBI:

Their risk factors for brain injury include young children and the elderly, as they’re the most susceptible to brain damage.

What Are the Types of Traumatic Brain and Head Injuries?

TBIs have several types depending on their severity and injury mechanism.

Here are the three types of TBI according to their severity:

  • Mild: A traumatic brain injury is mild when the victim is awake and has their eyes open. Symptoms of a mild TBI may include disorientation, memory loss, headache, confusion, and short consciousness loss.
  • Moderate: A traumatic brain injury is moderate when the victim becomes lethargic, and their eyes respond to stimulation. Their loss of consciousness lasts from 20 minutes to 6 hours. People with moderate TBIs might present brain swelling or bleeding, which causes drowsiness, but they remain arousable.
  • Severe: Severe injuries cause the victim to lose consciousness. Their eyes don’t open even to significant stimulation. The loss of consciousness lasts more than six hours. A person with a severe TBI might have suffered skull fractures, causing substantial damage to the brain.

Most brain injuries people suffer often encompass a mixture of primary and secondary injuries.

Here are some various types:

  • Concussion: They’re the most common form of a closed head injury. Concussions are often caused by a blow to the head. Violent shaking can also cause a concussion and impair your brain function for a short period of time.
  • Diffuse Axonal Injury. You suffer this type of injury to the brain when it rapidly moves back and forth inside your skull, making it damage and tear your brain cells.
  • Hematoma. A hematoma is the collection of blood clots outside blood vessels. They occur you suffer an injury that damages the wall of your blood vessel, causing it to bleed into the surrounding tissue. Hematomas can be small, or they may grow larger and compress the brain tissue. It can cause a significantly severe head injury if it occurs in the brain.

Can a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Be Permanent?

People who suffer from mild traumatic injuries don’t endure permanent effects. They can recover entirely in time as the brain damage tends to be minor and healable. Most people expect to return to normal life in about six months.

But some may recover quickly after the first three. If your symptoms persist after six months, you shouldn’t worry yet. They might likely vanish or significantly improve within a year. Remember that nobody bounces back from a TBI at the same rate.

What Are the Long-term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries?

A moderate to severe traumatic brain injury can have many long-term effects and even some permanent ones. Most people who suffered head or brain damage of this scale might have to endure many tough life challenges, even if recovery and rehabilitation are possible.

Some symptoms that people who experience a brain injury may have are headaches, ringing in the ears, slurred speech, drowsiness, light sensitivity, and blurry vision.

Moderate or severe brain injury symptoms that people may experience are considerably worse:

  • Bleeding
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Dilated pupils
  • seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Elevated blood pressure, and others.

How Do You Treat a Traumatic Brain or Head Injury?

Your TBI treatment and medical care vary depending on its severity. The harsher the damage you suffered, the lower the chance you have to recover and improve your quality of life. A moderate injury heals 60% of the time with minimal remaining symptoms.

On the other hand, you may have a significantly grim outlook if you suffer a severe TBI. A third of the victims don’t survive. Another portion of survivors incur significant disabilities, and the remaining part partly recovers.

Recovery can be more difficult if patients are missing a part of the brain. It’s often the case with patients that had tumors or seizures. Regardless, most treatment starts at a rehabilitation facility. Patients may have to relearn how to do essential living activities depending on their TBI severity.

Contact Ehline Law Firm and Receive Free Consultation for a Brain Injury Case in Los Angeles

If you suffered a TBI from a motor vehicle or blunt trauma accident, you might be searching for compensation for your damages. You can get in contact with a capable and reputable personal injury lawyer. This remains true, especially if you’re sure the other party is at fault.

If you’re in Los Angeles, our California brain injury legal services are the best you can get. Our attorneys have over 15 years of experience and have recovered their clients over $150 million in similar cases. Contact our charismatic attorneys by dialing (213) 596-9642 and receive a free consultation today.