Even with the latest medical technology and advanced medicine in clinical trials, determining and understanding brain injuries remains challenging. With new studies conducted each year, medical professionals are slowly learning more about injuries and how they impact a patient’s life.
At the outset, the best way to assess a patient with a mild TBI is to collect information using the Acute Concussion Evaluation. (ACE.). The analyst will gather characteristics of the injury, any amnesia or memory loss, seizures, inability to sleep, and physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms.
According to the latest diagnostic imaging studies, the ACE is also used to track symptom recovery over time, taking into account risk factors (including concussions, headaches, and psychiatric history) that can impact TBI recovery times.
Below, we will discuss brain scans and other clinical knowledge used to evaluate primary brain injuries and their overall extent. Ultimately, our top Los Angeles, California, brain injury lawyer and rehabilitation team will provide some bonus information about our human services and obtain fair compensation awards in court under California negligence laws.
How Long Does it Take to Heal from a Brain Injury? Reach Out to Ehline Law
Did you suffer a diffuse axonal injury, undergo neurological surgery, and have years of physical therapists for your chronic traumatic encephalopathy? If you’ve received brain injuries that were not your fault, contact a medical professional, and then contact Ehline Law and our California brain injury attorneys today for legal help!
You are at an increased risk for future health issues. Get a free consultation today to discuss further injury prevention and receive insurance benefits for additional acute care or specialized rehabilitation.
Recovery Times for Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries
Since brain injury is a complex field, professionals use previous clinical trial studies to learn more about the organ, how injuries impact brain functions, and why there are still persistent symptoms even years later. The previous studies allow testing new therapies, rehabilitation medicine, and more on various clinical populations. All of this is helping advance the understanding of this field to avoid more TBI-related deaths and cognitive dysfunction.
However, the results of medical research studies conducted with the help of healthcare providers, occupational therapists, and research professionals may not depict an accurate picture. For example, researchers used composite measures such as DRS and FIM, which may not be an ideal primary outcome measure to uncover cognitive impairments.
According to recent Glasgow Coma Scale traumatic brain injury research studies, up to 85% of all TBI cases in the United States fall under mild traumatic brain injury. A mild traumatic brain injury, such as a concussion, does not require inpatient rehabilitation unless necessary. However, you should see an emergency medicine doctor to rule out brain swelling, brain damage, and other medical conditions.
Patients facing a mild TBI often experience cognitive and behavioral changes during clinical recovery. These are quite common following the accident, according to the research community. Depending on the in-home care, a patient can expect to recover within 3 to 6 months.
Although recovery from a mild TBI can take up to 6 months, some patients may not completely recover from the injury. This can lead to long-term TBI symptoms affecting their quality of life. Statistics suggest that around 10% to 15% of the patients suffering from mild TBI remain symptomatic even after recovery.
Patients with long-term symptoms of mild TBI often experience headaches, loss of hearing, loss of memory, inability to concentrate, and difficulties sleeping. These symptoms make it challenging to live everyday life, affecting work and personal relationships.
There is no timeline for long-term symptoms to subside since people face impairments and symptoms years after the accident.
These groups of TBI patients require constant emotional support. Living with long-term TBI symptoms can affect education and work opportunities. Treatments include psychological support and continuous reassurance as depression and anxiety worsen the condition.
Recovery Times for Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Depending on the TBI severity of the brain injury, patients may exhibit life-threatening symptoms requiring immediate medical care. During the initial weeks of the injury, it is impossible to predict how long the recovery might take since the doctors are still conducting tests. According to studies, those who receive an early prognosis on their injuries have a better chance of recovering and returning to their everyday lives.
The first few weeks remain critical for a patient with severe TBI. With constant monitoring and regular magnetic resonance imaging tests, doctors can adjust the medical treatment accordingly. However, doctors must start preparing a rehabilitation program after successfully normalizing a patient’s vitals. The program helps the patient recover from the injuries, become strong, and integrate into society.
There is no particular timescale to determine how long recovery might take following a severe brain injury. However, physical medicine, modern medical technology, and adequate healthcare/rehabilitation support can expedite recovery in patients surviving moderate or severe TBI.
Research suggests positive outcomes following an early prognosis. However, determining the goals of rehabilitation remains essential. Rehab focuses on three aspects, cognitive, behavioral, and physical defects.
The healthcare professional will work with the patient and their family to prioritize rehabilitation goals before embarking on the program.
An Indefinite Social Disability after a Brain Injury
The social challenges associated with brain injury recovery can make it challenging for the patient to integrate into society. Depending on the brain injury severity, the aftermath of a brain injury can interfere with household duties, affect time management, alter the patient’s communication skills, and impact social skills.
Since the injury affects decision-making skills and other factors, it can have long-term repercussions if the patient does not recover fully. Those with severe head injury may need to appoint a guardian who can make critical decisions for the patient on their behalf.
According to the National Institute of Health, inpatient rehabilitation and medical care affect recovery times in patients.
According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the following are the results of patients receiving two years of inpatient rehab and medical care:
- There is some improvement in the patients.
- Almost 35% of the patients require some form of supervision.
- The majority of the patients (93%) move to private residences to cope with their disabilities.
- 29% of the patients remain unemployed.
The statistics also suggest that after four years following a brain injury, an individual is less productive and has a lower chance of unemployment insurance to survive. Because trauma to the head increases brain injury risk, many potential defendants may be held liable to provide compensation.
Given that some head injuries worsen over time, the longer an individual waits to receive brain injury treatment, the numerous other negligent parties may be involved for failure to diagnose and treat.
But you’ll need a highly skilled personal injury lawyer to hold all evildoers accountable. Suppose you believe you suffer from a subarachnoid hemorrhage or other concussive injuries. In that case, the right attorney can refer you to a lien physician who will conduct tests for long-term outcome problems and other medical issues. You may be awarded financial compensation if you have a valid claim, including special economic damages (e.g., lost wages, medical bills, etc.) and non-economic damages, like emotional trauma, pain, and suffering.
Additionally, in extraordinary cases, punitive damages may be awarded when the defendant’s conduct was particularly outrageous or crazy. Since strict legislative deadlines apply in California tort claims, especially in cases involving post-accident injuries diagnosed several years after the traumatic episode, the right way to protect your issue is to consult Ehline Law Firm immediately.
Contact Our Head Injury Attorneys
If you or a loved one is showing signs or symptoms of TBI with neurological disorders, promptly seek medical attention. After receiving adequate care, reach out to Ehline Law Firm for a case outcome assessment and discuss treatment strategies to get you back up and running.
Our top team can obtain meaningful compensation on behalf of your and your loved ones. After forming an attorney-client relationship, you will never pay any attorneys fees until we recover compensation results for you to achieve better functional outcomes down the road.
Working with an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in brain injury can help strategize various customized compensation packages depending on your medical records, quality of life after the injury, and more.
Please get in touch with our helpful law group today and receive a free evaluation of your potential lawsuit by dialing (213) 596-9642. Call our experienced personal injury attorneys today to receive your free case review to avoid future poor outcomes for you or your family members.